Hi, I'm Behsad

I'm an American-German Computer Science student at TUM fascinated by the pursuit of architecting platforms of scale. I have built tools at BMW and Germany's largest comparison platform with 15M+ customers.

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| about me

I am a student and software engineer bringing 2 years of experience at BMW and Check24 while pursuing my Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science with Business at TUM. I am also part of TUM.ai where I was the previously elected team lead of software engineering, fostering tech-related services with partners such as Microsoft and Google.

I am an avid user of the following technologies:






Spring Boot

Beyond agnoster themed terminals, I enjoy cooking and doing cross-functional sports.

| experience


BMW Group

Software Engineer

  • Used React, Node.js, MongoDB and GraphQL to enable data aggregation in Earth’s largest car simulation center.

  • Built a full-stack feature to persist 70+ data points on car simulation studies for 100+ researchers.

  • Automated 100% of issue creation and formatting for car simulation studies using the Jira API.








Software Engineer Team Lead

  • Oversaw development of a modular application/review platform for client-funded consulting services with partners such as Google, Microsoft and others.

  • Led API design used to persist approximately 800 reviewer notes.

  • Designed and dockerized PostgreSQL database, integrated OAuth, and outlined role based access control.







Check24 GmbH

Software Engineer

  • Nominated and selected for Check24’s internal student talent pool.

  • Maintenance and acceleration of existing development processes through automation.

  • Orchestrating 50+ instances of docker containers that periodically carry out maintenance-related tasks for repositories.






| projects

Invenus - Night Club Ticket Sales Platform

Collaborated in a team of five to create a full-stack application for selling night tickets. We managed the CI/CD processes with Docker. I developed event-viewing pages and confirmation e-mails.


Spring Boot


Research Paper on Pathfinding algorithms

In high school, I authored a paper with reflection process, analyzing time efficiency of various graph algorithms such as A* Search. The paper earned an 'A' (Scale: A, B, C, D, E) and was selected by the computer science department as an exemplar of outstanding research.

Literature Review: Automated Bug Replay using LLMs

Wrote a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the paper: “Prompting Is All You Need: Automated Android Bug Replay with Large Language Models” by Feng and Chen, Y. (2023). To supplement the paper's findings, I suggested latency and accuracy improvements for the programmatic replay of bug reports using LLMs.

UnternehmerTUM Innovation Sprint Winner 2024

The innovation sprint is a week-long design-thinking challenge with 250+ participants, offered by UnternehmerTUM and industry partners. My team and I won the "Mobility" track by TUM Venture Labs, solving the issue of limited parking spaces. Pitched to an audience of 300+ people and got offered 4 digit funding.

Women in Tech: Coding Workshop

Led a three-day coding workshop during Covid-19, promoting STEM engagement among young women between the ages of 12 and 14. In pursuit of this, we incentivized collaboration between girls and boys in a gamified format.

Coding Society

The Coding Society is a high-school initiative I started to explore data structures and algorithms beyond standard curricula, hosting coding workshops for young learners, and organizing mini hackathons. We also proposed a pin-code locking system for the school campus to the board.

Designed and built by Behsad Riemer.

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